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You should now have an idea of where you are and where you want to be.
In this section we will be covering the tools and approaches that will help you determine the most appropriate way to move between these two states.
We will start with an approach to help determine the most appropriate types of process to apply.
We will then walk through the application of each of these types of process - how to tune them to your specific pathway, key considerations and how to set up metrics and controls to ensure that you are not drifting off track.
This entire site is expected to stay in a constant state of evolution - we will be adding articles across all sections, including this one. If you have any suggestions for new topics or for points to add to those that are already here please add them to the comments section.
For now, all of the pages in this section are effectively in the'Construction zone' - this is where we are listing out the to-do list of articles we have planned, feel free to research and read ahead of us!
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