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You've picked your projects and selected the most appropriate delivery process; this can still be derailed if you have the wrong people around you.

If you have the right people, they will deliver the strategy and will also be able to tune the purpose and improve the pathway


Two key elements to ensuring that you have the right people around you are Capacity and Capability.

  • Capacity is how you ensure that you have enough people to deliver your strategy.

  • Capability is how you ensure that the people are able to perform the tasks they are likely to be set.

There is an interaction between the two and you will often need to make compromises against your ideal team; we will talk through approaches to help you make the right decisions.


The people in your organization do not exist in isolation; we will talk about interactions and organizational structures and how these can influence communication and the execution of your teams' tasks.


Many of the people that influence your plans are outside of your organization. Some will be supportive and constructive, others may be ambivalent to your success and there may be some whose interests run counter to yours.


This entire site is expected to stay in a constant state of evolution - we will be adding articles across all sections, including this one. If you have any suggestions for new topics or for points to add to those that are already here please add them to the comments section.


For now, all of the pages in this section are effectively in the'Construction zone' - this is where we are listing out the to-do list of articles we have planned, feel free to research and read ahead of us!



In this section we look at how to look at the tasks ahead of you and understand the skills needed. We will then look at how to balance the size of the team between being able to cope with all workload scenarios and having an efficient organization

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In this section we look at how to build on your undersatnding of the journey your team is setting out on to define organizational and intercation models

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This is where we lay out our plans for future articles in this section



In this section we look at how you build on your understanding of the skills needed to assess your team and define development plans

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In this section we explore the opportunities and challenges you may face when dealing with the people from outside of your organization.

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