Before you embark on a long and potentially expensive program to develop either yourself or those around you you should be aware of the reasons why many of these programs fail to deliver to their early promise. There is a really good overview here from McKinsey that will help introduce you to the challenges.
There are a number of really useful skills you should develop. We will start with:
Planning and Delivery
Influence and Persuasion
People Management
Change Management
We will also talk about time management and how to approach learning, to ensure that you can create the space and be effective in the development you have mapped out.
There is a wide range of sources of information in these topics available: many books and websites out there that are of limited use to you, however, at the other end of the spectrum, We will be picking out those that we believe are particularly useful.
There are also those that sit in the middle ground, books and websites that may not be particularly insightful or inspiring but may have some useful information hidden away. We will be trying to sort the good from the bad and presenting it to you here.
There is an equally large range of gadgets, apps and hardware that will promise to make management much easier for you. Often you will find yourself spending more time managing the tool than having the tool help you. We will be sharing our thoughts and experience.
As with all other sections, your experiences and insights will always be appreciated -something that has worked in our context may have a better alternative in yours.
There may be something you are considering, feel free to raise it in the comments to gather feedback and conversation from our community.