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What kind of company do you want to be

Using your WHY statements as a foundation, we will define a philosophy. We will then take this through different elements of your business and look at how it can be used as a reference point for how you go about your day to day business.

Once the consulting firms have left and everyone has completed their leadership training, how do they carry what the message from the conference rooms back to the office?

How do you treat your people and how are they expected to treat each other. There may be legal requirements but how do you enforce them, do you enforce them or do you exceed them


How far are you prepared to go

Your philosophy may come with a penalty - would you surrender a competitive advantage for your ethics? What are the risks for putting income over ethics? This will be referenced against your industry norms but what does it means in terms of consistency across your business. This theme must be a thread that runs through your strategy.


Everything speaks

Disney have an approach called 'Everything Speaks': this requires an attention to influence of everything you do - do the people around you reflect the philosophy in how they act, does your working environment give a setting that reinforces the philosophy and do your products embody this philosophy


Communicating the philosophy

We will define some approaches to communicating this philosophy - you can use explicit forms such as mission statements and codes of conduct, but how do you reinforce these with parables and actions - how do each of these affect decisions and behaviors


Does the reality match the intent

Once you have defined and communicated your philosophy, how do you know that it is being followed - what are the key indicators you should be looking for; for example, you may have stated that you have an open door policy, but has anyone actually come into your office to speak candidly and what was your reaction.

Does your approach reward the right behaviors, does it address and redirect the wrong?

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