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In this section we will be covering the tools and approaches that will help you define the purpose that will lead your strategy.
We will start with some foundation work, intended to understand what is important to you and your core activities. This will bring together a series of statements that you can then use as a measure against your strategy to confirm that everything you are engaged in is aligned to the same direction.
We will move on to define a number of tools that will refine these statements into a number of clear actions that can be prioritized and planned
This entire site is expected to stay in a constant state of evolution - we will be adding articles across all sections, including this one. If you have any suggestions for new topics or for points to add to those that are already here please add them to the comments section.
For now, we have added a section called 'Construction zone' - this is where we show the to-do list of articles we have planned, feel free to research and read ahead of us!
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